Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function through a process which actively involves and educates patients in their own healthcare. The therapist will assess and implement preventive and therapeutic courses of physical intervention. Physiotherapy can help you explore your current abilities and functional needs so the therapist can plan treatments that are consistent with your goals and general health status.

Our physiotherapists specialize in the following areas:

  • Clinical electrotherapies (i.e. IFC, TENS, ultrasound therapy, etc.)

  • Sports injury rehabilitation

  • Pediatric care

  • Geriatric care

  • Neurological and orthopedic conditions

  • Personalized home care

When should I see a physiotherapist?

  • Physical injury

  • Sports injury and/or lack of function

  • Exercise-related pain

  • Postural complaints (i.e. standing or sitting for too long)

  • Chronic/persistent pain

  • Wellness/maintenance care

  • Rehabilitation

  • Work injury, occupational re-training, and return to work planning

  • Motor-vehicle accident rehabilitation

  • Injury prevention advice

Do I need a doctor’s referral for physiotherapy?*

You may not need a doctor’s note or prescription for Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy can be effective as a primary treatment, or as an adjunct to other therapeutic interventions such as chiropractic care and massage therapy. It may also be recommended in the co-management of certain medical illnesses.

*Some insurance companies may require a doctor’s note. Ask us for more information.